Electromagnetic Environmental Effects
AXS-E3 (Electromagnetic Environmental Effects) is an ideal simulation software for evaluating interactions between complex structures of large dimensions (composite materials, installed wiring harnesses, etc.) and electromagnetic environments.

AxesSim – Electromagnetic Environmental Effects (e3)
During their operational life, complex systems are subject to electromagnetic environments that may occur due to a variety of natural or man-made environmental sources. Sources in question are mainly electromagnetic impulses (EMP), radio frequency interference (RFI), high intensity radiated fields (HIRF), electromagnetic interference (EMI), lightning strikes, etc.

Radiated electromagnetic fields penetrate inside systems (different mechanisms operate according to the frequency band : by the openings or by diffusion through the walls) and couple with the cabling and the electronic equipment, inducing electrical parasites which can lead to transient or permanent disturbances of the equipment. Functional impacts of these disturbances can have major or even catastrophic consequences on the systems.
Thus E3 applications often involve large electrical structures (planes, ships, land vehicles) containing critical details (joints, cables).
AXS-E3 (Electromagnetic Environmental Effects) is the ideal simulation software to manage large-scale and highly complex issues described above.
AXS-E3 simulation software allows :
– the assessment of radiated constraints conducted at the equipment level (essential to define protection of the systems as well as to check their robustness during qualification / certification phase)
– the evaluation of radiated EM fields by cable harnesses installed in complex systems (mandatory for EMC design of systems)
AXS-E3 (Electromagnetic Environmental Effects) that relies on MaxSim tool provides a set of powerful features for such issues :
A very efficient parallel FDTD solver for reliable resolution of major problems
A complete set of sub-cellular models (wires, cables, slots, joints, …) that allows to realistically take into account electrical and electromagnetic characteristics of the system, with limited constraints on the size of the mesh
Dispersive and anisotropic material models (imperfections in screening material, eg : skin effect or penetration of radiation through finite conductivity walls)
AXS-E3 (Electromagnetic Environmental Effects) also relying on CableSim offers advanced features for analyzing complex cable bundles installed in their operating environment such as :
Resolution with the Multi-Conductor Transmission Line Theory (MTL), available method for cables with arbitrary path of the return current feedback paths
Handling of multi-level shielding
Non-linear protection circuits against transients

AXS-E3 (Electromagnetic Environmental Effects) embeds the post-processing tool KaWa.
Among Kawa’s capabilities, we can mention:
- • A full set of plots allowing a quick and easy analysis.
• 1D curves: real and complex curves, polar views, histograms
• 2D: mappings and contours renderings
• 3D views: points, quivers, surfaces.

Use cases solved by this solution
AXS-E3 (Electromagnetic Environmental Effects) underlying technologies
MaxSim is dedicated to EMC analysis of complex large systems with a user-friendly and productive 3D interface. It is focused on creating electromagnetic scenes for computation with a FDTD method and is able to integrate between 3D modeling tools (CAD) and data analysis tools.
CableSim is dedicated to the study of conducted emission, to electromagnetic compatibility and signal integrity of wiring harnesses from the design phase.
Kawa is a conveyor of capitalization and sharing of technical and scientific knowledge. It is also an essential tool for data processing for the exploitation of simulation results.