Specific Absorption Rate
AXS-SAR is an integrated simulation software that can directly compute all types of specific absorption rate (SAR), including 1g and 10g average SAR, and whole-body SAR.

AxesSim – Specific Absorption Rate
The electromagnetic pollution generated by the use of mobile phones, tablets, and more generally by all connected devices, should not be minimized by users.
The arrival of 5G connectivity gets markets and consumers excited but the risks of excessive exposure to mobile phone waves have to be considered.
During a communication with a handheld or body-worn wireless device, biological tissues of the user are exposed to electromagnetic field energy.
The frequencies used by a mobile phone or other commercial devices, radiofrequency power absorbed by human tissues are usually quantified in terms of Specific Absorption Rate (SAR).

Limits of SAR averaged over the whole-body or locally over 1g or 10g of tissue are established according to international exposure guidelines / standards.
In order to ensure the protection of public health and safety, national regulators have widely adopted such limits and recognized the use of measurement standards for assessing the peak spatial-average SAR.
AXS-SAR is an integrated simulation software that can directly compute all types of specific absorption rate (SAR), including 1g and 10g average SAR, and whole-body SAR.
AXS-SAR (Specific Absorption Rate) relies on MaxSim to provide a set of powerful features like:
A very efficient parallel FDTD solver for reliable resolution of such problems
Dispersive and anisotropic material models (imperfections in screening material, eg : skin effect or penetration of radiation through finite conductivity walls). A library with electromagnetic models of human body tissues is available.
Direct calculation of Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) locally over 1g or 10 g of tissue and whole-body SAR
Using a simulation engine based on a FDTD algorithm, the analysis is intrinsically broadband (computation realized in the time domain) without limitation of frequency validity bandwidth (full-wave method). FDTD Method is well-suited for numerical SAR evaluation.
The introduction of the wireless devices equivalent model in the scope is not linked to the FDTD grid:
Free positioning of the antenna
No constraint on the grid
AXS-SAR (Specific Absorption Rate) embeds KaWA tools allowing a unified and broadband modeling of wireless devices. It grants an optimized definition of the simulation and visualization parameters.
Broadband synthesis methodology of wireless devices models based on dynamic and interactive KaWa notebooks
Models are Meshless (based upon dipolar sources) and offer a great flexibility of use.
Application of unified treatments on the models (compression without deteriorating the results, canonical radiation, …)

AXS-SAR (Specific Absorption Rate) underlying technologies
MaxSim is dedicated to EMC analysis of complex large systems with a user-friendly and productive 3D interface. It is focused on creating electromagnetic scenes for computation with a FDTD method and is able to integrate between 3D modeling tools (CAD) and data analysis tools.
Kawa, a conveyor of capitalization and sharing of technical and scientific knowledge. It is also an essential tool for data processing for the exploitation of simulation results.
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