Harness Design
AXS-HD (Harness design) is dedicated to the study of conducted emission, electromagnetic compatibility and signal integrity of wiring harnesses from the design to certification and qualification phase of systems

AxesSim – Harness Design
In the last decade, aeronautical, defense, marine and automotive industries faced a paradigm shift in the design of electrical systems. The introduction of composite materials in the system structures, the transition to electrical propulsion, and the multiplication of electronic devices entail an increasing number of electrical loads onboard and the introduction of new types of supplies.
In the aeronautic industry, the design of EWIS – Electrical Wiring Interconnection System – is extremely complex in terms of number of cables (up to 40000 cables), number of functional electrical links (up to 10000 electrical links), routing possibilities, types of signals, flight phases, types of systems connected and loads’ vulnerabilities, etc. The routing of all the cables cannot be done directly by taking into account all parameters at once.
The evolution of the FAR 25 / CS 25 regulations made safety analysis mandatory for the EWIS (Electrical Wiring Interconnection System), meaning that it has become necessary to estimate the probabilities of failure of the wiring system.

In this context, the large density of cables transporting various signals increases the complexity of the design from an EMC point of view, because the space available for cabling generally represents a critical design constraint. The system design must ensure that all the chosen criteria (currents, voltages, powers) are above or below prescribed threshold values.
EMC design rules are not sufficient for ensuring a low or zero rate of failure for EWIS and for reducing as much as possible the design margins available and the disturbances in these complex systems.
The knowledge of design margins, today neither evaluated nor known, is also essential in the design of electrical systems as it allows optimizing harnesses design and handling all those borderline cases where the designer has no other option than derogating from some of the design rules and changing the layout of the cables.
AXS-HD is a powerful solution dedicated to the study of conducted emission, electromagnetic compatibility and signal integrity of wiring harnesses from design to certification and qualification phases of the systems.
AXS-HD relies on AxesSim’s CableSim product that could be easily integrated in the industrial harness design process, and could be used by designers from the first phase of cable harness elaboration. It allows validating the compliance of the harness design with EMC constraints by all in one analysis and synthetic result display.
AXS-HD is well-adapted to manage and analyse very large harnesses (many strands and conductors per strand) that are encountered in modern systems.

AXS-HD (Harness Design) includes advanced features for analyzing complex cable bundles installed in their operating environment.
Resolution with the Multi-Conductor Transmission Line Theory (MTL) method available for cables with arbitrary current return paths (in particular for composite materials in the system structures)
Management of multi-level shielding
Non-linear protection circuits against transients
AXS-HD (Harness Design) underlying technology
CableSim is dedicated to the study of conducted emission, to electromagnetic compatibility and signal integrity of wiring harnesses from the design phase.
Kawa is a conveyor of capitalization and sharing of technical and scientific knowledge. It is also an essential tool for data processing for the exploitation of simulation results.