In the context of the CORAC GENOME (GEstioN OptiMisée de l’Energie) prototype, an EMC validation software tool has been developed based upon :



eCENTRIC-EMC permits a harness designer to validate harness cable crosstalks by comparing computed currents to reference data. Thanks to many optimizations and new algorithms, we succeeded to reduce the computation time by a factor of 5 for the large test case (15 harnesses, 1477 electrical links, 17 devices).

Some Results of the of eCENTRIC-EMC project has been published in “Charles Jullien , Michael Ridel, Cyril Giraudon, Jérôme Genoulaz, Anca Dieudonné, et al.. Détermination de la diaphonie entre plusieurs harnais complexes au sein d’une avion. CEM 2016, 18 ème colloque international et Exposition sur la Compatibilité Electromagnétique, Jul 2016, RENNES, France“.

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