17. Parameterized attributes

17.1. Introduction

To get the point of parameterized attributes begin with an example : the /electromagneticSource/planeWave definition.

We have seen that a plane wave is defined by some attributes and a magnitude arraySet :

`-- electromagneticSource
    `-- planeWave
        `-- $a-plane-wave[@xo=0.0
            |             @yo=0.0
            |             @zo=0.0
            |             @theta=0.0
            |             @phi=0.0
            |             @linearPolarization=0.0]
            `-- magnitude[@floatingType=arraySet]

All attributes are simple :

  • the physical nature is given by Amelet HDF

  • the unit is fixed

  • the value is a scalar

However, it could happen someone would like to define a plane wave with varying parameters :

  • theta and/or phi could take their values in an interval [0, PI] because a module can take into account several directions of propagation in a single simulation

  • Make the origin point move during a simulation

For these reasons, Amelet HDF offers a flexible way to override attributes definition without blurring the simplicity of the format.

17.2. The _param group

Given a simple attribute of the above example, @xo for example, we want it to take many values. The solution is to create a _param group in electromagneticSource/planeWave/a-plane-wave element and add an xo floating type arrayset to _param

`-- electromagneticSource
    `-- planeWave
        `-- a-plane-wave[@xo=0.0
            |            @yo=0.0
            |            @zo=0.0
            |            @theta=0.0
            |            @phi=0.0
            |            @linearPolarization=0.0]
            |-- magnitude[@floatingType=arraySet]
            `-- _param
                `-- xo[@floatingType=arraySet]
                    |-- data[@physicalNature=length
                    |        @unit=meter]
                    `-- ds
                        `-- dim1[@physicalNature=time

The element a-plane-wave/_param/xo simply overrides the definition a-plane-wave/@xo.

The general rule is that

a container’s attribute can be overridden by adding an element with the same name to the ``_param`` group child of the container.

17.3. The floatingRef floatingType

To go to one step further, the _param group introduces a last floating type which can found out only within a _param group : the floatingRef floatingType.

When a floating type is a floatingRef, it is followed by a value attribute which gives the name of a floating type. This floating type is used as if it was defined inplace in the _param group:

|-- floatingType/
|   `-- x[@floatingType=arraySet]
|       |-- data[@physicalNature=length
|       |        @unit=meter]
|       `-- ds
|           `-- dim1[@physicalNature=time
|                    @unit=second]
`-- electromagneticSource/
    `-- planeWave/
        `-- a-plane-wave[@xo=0.0
            |            @yo=0.0
            |            @zo=0.0
            |            @theta=0.0
            |            @phi=0.0
            |            @linearPolarization=0.0]
            |-- magnitude[@floatingType=arraySet]
            `-- _param/
               `-- xo[@floatingType=floatingRef

The element a-plane-wave/_param/xo simply overrides the definition a-plane-wave/@xo with the /floatingType/x element.