Releases notes ============== what's new in 1.7.1 ------------------- * Adds the release note in the document what's new in 1.7.0 ------------------- * Fixes * Example error fixes * Refactor the simulation parametric element * FloatingRef addition * Exchanges pole and residue order to fit to the name of the dataset * Adds the complexConjugatePoleResidue floatingType * Add tilted mesh * Modification on ZsZt4 for the 4x4 matrix * Add ZsZtxy and ZsZt4 for surface impedance * Long reals, doubles are authorized in Vector and DataSet floatingType * Reference the figure by number what's new in 1.6.3 ------------------- * Adds some more index * Adds wire plate connection definition * _build images are ignoreed * Adds some index entries * Permittivity and permeability can be expressed by rational function what's new in 1.6.2 ------------------- * Add quad9 unstructured element what's new in 1.6.1 ------------------- * Add dipole cloud source * Add gain, efficiency and directivity to physical quantities * Usage of rthetaphi coordinate system for far quantities of antenna what's new in 1.5.3 ------------------- * Add a level to the toctree * Add impedance, admittance, energyFluxDensity physical quantity * CamelCase column names for rational function (Nominator and Denominator) have been replaced by lower case. * Fixe some example link example * PhysicalModel / Grid modifications * Typo fixes what's new in 1.5.2 ------------------- * Add couplingCrossSection physicalNature what's new in 1.5.1 ------------------- * A lot of typo fixes, thanks to : * Solange Bertuol (ONERA) * Vladimir Sedenka (BUT) * Add rational with pole definition * Update physicalNature summary * Update /physicalModel/Grid * Add Zs example * Add electricPotentialPoint physicalNature what's new in 1.5.0 ------------------- * A lot of fixes in the output request section (selectorOnMesh usage) * Add the /physicalModel/grid definition what's new in 1.4.0 ------------------- * A lot of typo fixes * /physicalModel/multiport 's nbPort attribute has been removed - it was redondant with the dimension of the floatingType * /physicalModel/shield category has been added * /physicalModel/connexion category has been added * Network's junction definition refactoring what's new in 1.3.0 ------------------- * SelectorOnMesh refactoring (6.4) * Structured mesh : the indexes of the nodes begins with 0 what's new in 1.2.0 ------------------- * Typo fixes * New elementary unstructured shapes ( * Numbering of structured and unstructured sub-elements * Update od arraySet component parameter (5.6.3) * Update of numerical data on mesh for unstructured and structured mesh (5.6.4) * Some mode aperture (9.10) what's new in 1.1.0 ------------------- * Typo fixes * Magnitude decay attribute -> delay (8.1) * A new canonical element : ellipse ( * A new RLC circuit model (9.6.8) * A new surface model : ZsZt2 (9.8.5) what's new in 1.0.1 ------------------- * Typo fixes * Bug fix : 2D entity elements in unstructured mesh group are named 'face' * Bug fix : /label children are datasets and not tables In links, subject_XX becomes subject_id what's new in 1.0.0 ------------------- * Typo fixes * The /arraySet category is renamed in /floatingType category (5.1) * Adds singleInteger floatingType (5.2.1) * Adds singleString floatingType (5.2.4) * Adds unit=date for time (19.2) * Adds arraySet and coordinate system relations (5.6.7) * Adds complement group in arraySet (5.6.6) * Adds surface material models (9.8) * Adds predefined output requests (15.2) * Modifies predefined physicalModel * /physicalModel/perfectElectricConductor * /physicalModel/perfectMagneticConductor * /physicalModel/vacuum what's new in 0.6 ----------------- * Typo fixes * By default angular are expressed in **degree** * add the 'output' attribute to output request objects * complete refactoring of `/exchangeSurface` category * `/externalElement` children are datasets and not tables * Add a level to the `/mesh` category -> `/mesh/$gmesh/$mesh` to allow to meshes inside an Amelet-HDF instance. * Bug : Retrevial of the 'topology' attribute in `/network`. what's new in 0.5 ----------------- * Typo fixes * Network refactoring (compound network has been added) * General rational function floatingType has been added * Predefined links refactoring * Circle and plane elements are oriented (6.2) * Integer ans real usage chapter has bee added (2.5) * Table and data chapter has been added (2.7) * extentionType / linksDefinition / specificRole has renamed property * Frequency range validity attributes have been added to physical models * Some more predefined links for networks * Correction in interval definition (5.2.1) * physicalModel / volume / magnetic conductivity can be defined as electrical conductivity is defined (debye, lorentz, rational, complex array..) * Electrical and magnetic conductivity have become a complex array. * The /extensionType / $type / $intance / linksDefitions is a **dataset** * remove physicalModel groundModel category what's new in 0.4 ----------------- * Typo fix * (v1, v2, v3) are relative distance in selectorOnMesh/element * Explanatory note on generator * Predefined links chapter * Adds canonical element orentation (plane, circle) * Structured grid example image for structured mesh description * Explanatory information about group added * a structured grid image has been added What's new in 0.3 ----------------- * Add the predefined label dataset * /label/predefinedLabels * wireRadius label to associate a radius to a wire * Add the aperture category with : * Slot * Circular aperture * Measured aperture * Question about semi-empirical aperture * Add canonical elements with their code * plane * circle * cone * cylinder * sphere * Refactor planeWave section and Antenna section, add some images * Add the notion of symmetry, not stable * xinf / xsup * yinf / ysup * zinf / zsup * electricWall / magneticWall * Add a note to precise localization system What's new in 0.2 ----------------- * ``/link`` category has been added. * ``/label`` category has been added. * ``/externalElement`` has been added. Multi file capability, ``linkFile`` has been suppressed and a ``/externalElement`` has been added. ``linkDefinition`` is still * ``/outputRequest`` are now described. Rests the predefined output requests. in the specification. * ``/transmissionLine`` uses the new ``link`` capability with the new attributes ``section`` and ``elementInSection``. transmission line element do not have ``nameInMesh`` attribute any longer. * Unstructured mesh, the element type code has been added. * ``/simulation`` input specific role are expressed thanks to a ``/link`` instance. * ``/dataInLocalization`` has been removed and uses the new ``/link`` category. * Many bugs fixes.